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Some helpful hints to buying or selling your car or motorbike


Cars can be easy to buy if you have the right attitude and a little confidence. Some pointers are given below to help. If you have any queries just contact me by signing my guest book and leaving me a message.


There are many things that you should try to do when buying a car or other vehicle but lets start with something extremely simple that could gain you hundreds of pounds. Clean your car or trade in!
Its amazing how many people feel that an offer on there car is quite low and cannot understand why. One of the biggest reasons is the condition of their car.
Take a long look at your car and ask yourself, would I buy this car as it is? Would I give top money for it? Really look and I am sure you probably would not.

Do you think dealers sell perfect cars all the time. No they dont. So why do people look at cars that arent a good buy but still spend their hard earned cash. Usually because it "looked a good one". Use your common sense. Most dealers spend a lot of money preparing a car for sale. One of the most important and cheapest things they have done is a professional valet.

A sales man will usually give a clean shiny car a quick look over and not look for too many faults. Knowing most salesmen they will look through the showroom window and if it looks good wont venture outside. If they look out and see a fithy dirt thing they will go out and look for all its faults or worse still not even bother looking and offer you a pityful price. Upper most in their minds will be how much they are going to have to spend to make it "look like a good buy".

Most people stand in the showroom and argue over 10, 20 or even 30. Travelling well out of town because they got 50 more is quite common. Why not spend 30-50 more and get your car professionally valetted and get hundreds more for it in the first place!?!


Everybody, when surveyed, says they hate this part of buying a car, yet this could be the most enjoyable part with a little preparation.

First of all get to know what you want. Dont just wonder in to the showroom aimless looking at the cars then telling the salesman "I`m okay, dont need any help" when you dont have a clue what you are looking at. Most salesmen spend a lot of time learning about their products and waiting to explain various features to customers. Use them, thats what they are there for!

"I dont like pushy salesmen", a common comment. Most salesmen hate indecisive customers! If you show a little knowledge about whats going on they will respect you and you will get more help. So how do you get some "knowledge". read on

There are plenty of magazines and guides that will give you an idea of your cars value. They are not trade guides and therefore will be very rough values. They will also give you an idea of the cost of new cars and more than likely inform you of figures for performance, comfort,insurance and specification. Read them carefully and compare various cars. Then call in at a dealer and get brochures on the cars you have chosen. If you are too shy to call in make a phone call to the dealer and ask them to send the relevant information to you. Then read it.

Now I am not suggesting you do a college course on your next car just some basic back ground reading. Your car will probably be the second largest purchase you ever make. Would you buy a house - probably the largest - without having a survey or a land registry search done. A quick look round the neighbourhood to find any noisy kids you may wish to avoid!?! With this knowledge you will not go in to the showroom "blind" thinking that the salesman is going to confuse you and sell you something you dont want.
More to come in the meantime email me if you have any queries.

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