My little babe
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Age 10 going on 16!

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Some photos of Ash's USA trip 2004 




My little woman age 9

This is the most beautiful and precious girl in the world and she is mine. I could never have imagined my daughter would be so beautiful and just a great kid. I love her to bits.

Age 8

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Ash and her miserable Dad! First time I'd seen her for three years. Its a hard balancing being happy yet sad. So great to see her but knowing its just for three weeks hurts. Here comes the pain............
With Grandma & Grand dad at Sea World San Diego



See if you eagle eyed folk can make out the name in the tattoo.


Ash and Jodie a great pair!

The biggest part of my life is unfortunately void. My ex moved to Australia and took my little girl. I find it very difficult not to be able to see her growing up. I try to speak with her once a week but long to hug and kiss her again. I know her quality of life in Australia is better than here but thats no consulation.

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